Edible ice for bars, restaurants and hotels.

Do you have a bar, restaurant, hotel or any other catering activity? Our ice is a high-quality, long-lasting and aesthetically perfect product you can rely on. Hygienically packed to make it ready for use everywhere, from bars to outdoor events.

ghiaccio confezionato ristoranti
ghiaccio confezionato per ristoranti

We guarantee a fast and reliable delivery service throughout Veneto region and in Rome.


Our ice eliminates any management and maintenance costs resulting from self-production.


Slow melt rates which do not affect the organoleptic qualities of the drink.


Our ice is hygienically safe and certified.


Fast, organized and always on time.

Different styles, same purity.

Full-cubed, crushed or Barman Line: you can choose the type of ice that best suits your needs, quality is always guarateed.

Cubed ice

  • Cylinders weighing about 30 gr/each
  • With 10 kg of cubed ice you can get about 110 drinks (using 3 ice cubes per drink).
  • Perfect for drinks, soft drinks, thermal insulated boxes, ice buckets.
Available sizes:

Bag 1kg

23 x 22 x 7 cm

Bag 2kg

17 x 28 x 6 cm

Bag 5kg

40 x 20 x 12 cm
Ideal for:

Crushed Ice

  • Pieces weighing between 2 and 4 grams each.
  • With 2 kg of crushed ice you can get about 10-12 cocktails.
  • Perfect for crushed drinks, cooling doughs during leavening, thermal insulated boxes and the preservation of perishable food.
Available sizes:

Bag 2kg

17 x 28 x 6 cm

Bag 5kg

40 x 20 x 12 cm
Ideal for:

Barman Line

Our Barman Line is designed for the most refined drinks which deserve high-quality ice with the most creative shapes.
The line:
The cube
The sphere
The slice
The chunk

Request your freezer

On request, we supply freezers in loan for use

Freezers in gratuitous loan for use

Variable storage capacity.

Delivery to your premises

Delivery to Distribution Centres or stores.

Tell us your needs. Don’t worry, we'll get back to you quicker than it takes our ice to melt.


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